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Vestax reconoce problemas de fabricacion en la VCI-300

Vestax ha mandado un comunicado oficial en el que reconce unos problemas con la Vestax VCI 300, dicho problema se refiere a una parada total de la VCI al manipular el jog derecho tras unos minutos de usos, a continuacion el comunicado oficial junto con los numeros de serie de los controladores afectados.

All Vestax VCI-300 users,

It has been discovered that the controls of some VCI-300 units may possibly freeze(disable) during operation with ITCH under several circumstances.

If you are a owner of a Vestax VCI-300 and have experienced this error, please contact your local Vestax distributor for assistance.(The errror can be checked by rotating the right (Bch) jog wheel when in use with ITCH)

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Vestax Corporation

-Object product / Serial number-

DJ Controller VCI-300

- 85 F (K) 01 ****
- 86 F (K) 02 ****
- 87 F (K) 03 ****
- G87 01 ****
- G87 02 ****
- G88 03 ****

-Error content-

The controls of the VCI-300 freezes(is disabled) during operation with ITCH when the right JOG wheel is operated.